The Benefits of Quality Web Hosting

Web Hosting Misnomers

I think it’s fair to say that most people view web hosting for their website as just another add on expense that needs minimising as much as possible.

Consequently, it’s treated with the same disdain as choosing a supplier for your gas, electric, or your kids new shoes….. but the cheapest of something is usually cheapest for a reason, and so it goes with web hosting.

Web hosting is the computer server that your site files sit on. Your web address (URL) is then pointed to this server (or the part of the server that contains your site) and surfers can then access whatever you choose to publish.

All well and good so far, except that where that server is in the world, how well its connected to the rest of us, and how wizz, bang, wallop it’s technology is all play a part in making your site either work or not.

As a rule of thumb, new servers tend to cost more to use….. because they’re new…. and someone has just wedged out many doubloons setting up their server in their server centre, and they want to earn off their investment. (Can’t go blaming them for that).

Older servers, once the biggest, flashiest, most front facing clients migrate from them to newer higher performance equipment, gain capacity and in many instances, your average hosting company is going to try to maximise that capacity by filling the older servers up with cheaper, lower spend customers, who are less fussy about the kit they are renting.


…. Just because you don’t understand web hosting, servers and the nuts and bolts of how the tinterweb works, doesn’t mean that you need to get sucked into their sub-performance world and live forever in a soup of averageness.

You can find fast, reliable, but also low cost website hosting at

Why Hosting Performance Matters

The quality and stability of your web host is very important to the success of your website.

If you are one of those people who has a website just because you thought you ought to have one then slow, unreliable hosting probably won’t matter to you because your site most likely isn’t a proactive, up to date, living, breathing, online organism…… but for all those business owners who want their site to make them money instead of costing them money….. read on…..

The uptime and load speed of your web hosting server is crucial to the success of your site.

  1. Google penalises slow websites
  2. Mobile usage penalises slow websites
  3. Downtime harms Google rankings

Google & Hosting

Google measures how long each website takes on average to load each page. Slow sites drop down or even disappear from the search rankings.

A slow server (or slow, data heavy website coding) can kill the online performance of your site.

People will only wait a second or so before looking for a website that will load up quickly…… don’t lose the opportunity.

Mobile Usage

Mobile phones and tablet use is on the increase. Already, over 50% of users use mobile devices for Google search…… and if your hosting isn’t tip top (and your website mobile friendly of course) you will not get the opportunity to be found by mobile users.

Downtime Errors

Unreliable websites struggle to get found online because search engines soon get bored of failing to connect with your page content. Googlebot etc. spider the internet on a regular cycle and if they know you should be there… then you are not….. then you are again, then you are not etc. they will mark you down as an unreliable website and you will struggle to rank until you can demonstrate that your site is stable, live and trustworthy.

If you want to learn more about how Google works and what that means for your website, follow the step by step SEO training courses here and don’t get left behind online.